Grog Speaks

Miscellaneous ramblings by an amused observer of life in our times. I'm not certain anyone reads this, and I think I prefer it that way.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Google's legal beagles boggle

Google doesn't do any advertising. Aside from meaning that they don't actually need to advertise, as they dominate their market, it also means that they apparently don't have any brilliant, or even just plain smart, marketers on staff. Instead they apparently have a bunch (with the acquisition of YouTube probably a really big bunch) of lawyers looking for something lawyerly to do while they wait for all the copyright infringement suits to roll in.

So the lawyers have decided that to use the term Google as a verb, inappropriately, is "Bad. Very, very bad." What really bothers them is that someone might say that they Googled someone on Yahoo! They prefer that you say you "searched" someone on Yahoo! I guess they'd be happier if you said you "Yahoo!ed" someone.

Obviously nobody in the Google Law department ever studied branding. Do you really think Xerox objects to someone "Xeroxing" on a Canon copier? I am sure that at Canon, they sure as hell wish you would think to "Canon" on a Xerox copier. At least you would equate their name with their product, and would think of them the next time your were thinking of buying a "Canon machine." Here's the basics of branding: Say my name. Think my name. Do my name.

I think recent behavior on the part of Google, including spending $1.6 billion(!) on something they already had (see, indicates that they are rapidly approaching the state of being characterized as "more money than brains."

Fat old winos

Finally the kind of health news I can embrace. It seems that fat mice live as long and as well as skinny (normal) mice if they consume prodigious quantities of a particular compound found only in red wine. Since I can sometimes consume pretty prodigious quantities of red wine myself, and I am not svelte by any stretch, I was beginning to think that I might indeed live a long and happy life.

Unfortunately, a careful read of the study findings uncovered that these fat rats were given the equivalent of (for me) 2300-4700 bottles of wine daily. Even I would struggle with that much. Even with the cheap wine that I drink, that would be a major financial challenge as well. I think it would be cheaper to go with a full body transplant every 20 years or so.

I have a feeling that the relatively miniscule amount that I consume isn't improving my longevity very much, so I will abandon my plan to double my consumption. But I will continue to thumb my nose at white wine drinkers.