Grog Speaks

Miscellaneous ramblings by an amused observer of life in our times. I'm not certain anyone reads this, and I think I prefer it that way.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Rowing in the dark

I'm slowly making progress and trying to row as often as I can. I've now been out 4 out of 5 days since I got going, including this morning.

It's usually dark when I can go out on weekdays, but that will change slowly. This morning I left the dock around 6:15 returning all of 20 minutes later, having gone 3/4 mile. I don't generally get home in the evening before 6:30 either, so it's dark then too.

It's probably a good thing that it's dark so people can't easily see my terrible form. I will get better quickly but my speed and course are quite erratic. If I don't turn the oar at the right point it upsets the boat enough that I then dip the oar too soon on one side or the other and further upset the stroke. I think that when I focus too much on the stroke I actually do worse.

It was warm this morning, near 70 degrees, and I sweat pretty easily and don't stop sweating for a while. Morning showers are gonna have to be cold ones just to shut the pores so I can get dressed.


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