Grog Speaks

Miscellaneous ramblings by an amused observer of life in our times. I'm not certain anyone reads this, and I think I prefer it that way.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I hate pennies

I don't want to carry them or bother with pennies as money. It takes a whole handful to amount to any kind of value, so I've just started to dispense with them. I don't throw them away though. That would be wasteful. Instead I redistribute them.

I figure there are still plenty of people who might bother with a penny, certainly in the area of Hollywood, FL where I work. I find that there are far too many downtrodden individuals there who might stoop to pick up a penny, saving them until they can buy a pack of cigarettes, a beer or a bus ride.

So I toss or drop the pennies that I get as change in strategically chosen places where they will be found by some of these downtrodden folks. Sometimes I just toss them in the street by the bus stops, or drop them in the parking lot of the Publix by Young Circle, where so many of them seem to pass.

Is it littering if you toss pennies from your car window? Am I being cavalier about my financial advantage? Does anyone else do what I do?

I had a moment a couple days ago when I could have used a penny. On a delayed flight to New York the flight attendant, trying to make light of our delay offered to give a free drink to the person who could come up with the oldest penny. I would have liked a chance at a free airline bottle of wine. But instead all my pennies are in the hands of Hollywood's winos.


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